En cumplimiento de lo que prevé el artículo 10 de la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico, se informa que https://www.hotelgolfcostabrava.es/ es un dominio de la siguiente empresa: RV Hotels Turístics, con domicilio social C/. Diputación, 238. Entr 3ª. Barcelona (08007) con teléfono (+34) 935 036 039 y fax (+34) 935 036 044 y correo electrónico info@rvhotels.es.
La sociedad arriba nombrada está registrada como sigue:
RV Hotels Turístics con el CIF: B82573338, figura inscrita en el registro mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 35364. Folio 34. Hoja 265150. Inscripción 3ª.
Número de registro turístico: HG-000891
En RV Hotels nos tomamos muy en serio la seguridad de todos nuestros clientes, y sus datos personales no son una excepción
RV Hotels Turistics, S.L.U. protege los datos personales según lo establecido en el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos con el objeto que se respeten las libertades y los derechos fundamentales de las personas a quien pertenezcan esos datos.
Sus datos serán tratados con la máxima confidencialidad para gestionar nuestra relación comercial. Los datos se conservaran hasta que se solicite la supresión a la siguiente dirección info@rvhotels.es, o lo establezca una disposición legal. Puede presentar una reclamación ante la autoridad de control competente (www.agpd.es) si considera que el tratamiento no se ajusta a la normativa vigente.
RV Hotels Turistics, S.L.U. está legitimada para tratar sus datos porque son necesarios para prestar el servicio solicitado o por el consentimiento que nos otorga en la los diferentes formularios de contacto de la web.
Los datos no se cederán a terceros salvo en los casos en que exista una obligación legal.
Para ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión y portabilidad de sus datos, y la limitación u oposición a su tratamiento, se debe dirigir por escrito a info@rvhotels.es.
Los Usuarios, mediante la marcación de las casillas correspondientes y entrada de datos en los campos, marcados con un asterisco (*) en el formulario de contacto o presentados en formularios de descarga, aceptan expresamente y de forma libre e inequívoca, que sus datos son necesarios para atender su petición, por parte del prestador, siendo voluntaria la inclusión de datos en los campos restantes. El Usuario garantiza que los datos personales facilitados son veraces y se hace responsable de comunicar cualquier modificación de los mismos.
RV Hotels Turistics, S.L.U. está cumpliendo con todas las disposiciones de las normativas para el tratamiento de los datos personales de su responsabilidad, y con los principios descritos en el artículo 5 del GDPR, por los cuales son tratados de manera lícita, leal y transparente en relación con el interesado y adecuados, pertinentes y limitados a lo necesario en relación con los fines para los que son tratados.
RV Hotels Turistics, S.L.U. garantiza que ha implementado políticas técnicas y organizativas apropiadas para aplicar las medidas de seguridad que establecen el GDPR con el fin de proteger los derechos y libertades de los Usuarios y les ha comunicado la información adecuada para que puedan ejercerlos.
Cláusula adicional para la recepción de CV e información sobre puestos de trabajo vacantes.
Tratamos la información que nos facilita con el fin de mantenerle informado de las distintas vacantes a un puesto de trabajo que se produzcan en nuestra organización.
Los datos proporcionados se conservarán hasta la adjudicación de un puesto de trabajo o hasta que usted ejerza su derecho de cancelación y por tanto tiene derecho a acceder a sus datos personales, rectificar los datos inexactos o solicitar su supresión cuando los datos ya no sean necesarios. Los datos no se cederán a terceros.
Hemos adoptado todas las medidas de seguridad establecidas en la legislación actual sobre protección de datos. Puede ejercer en todo momento sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión y portabilidad de sus datos, y la limitación u oposición a su tratamiento, mediante escrito dirigido a info@rvhotels.es También tiene derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la autoridad de control competente (www.agpd.es) si considera que el tratamiento no se ajusta a la normativa vigente.
RV Hotels Turistics, S.L.U.
NIF: B82573338
Dirección: C/. Diputació, 238. Entl - 3a. Barcelona (08007)
No payment methods found for selected room combinations.
Please contact the hotel or reserve the rooms one by one.
Flexible dates? Get a better price!
Number of people not available
Tourist tax
The tourist rate is a mandatory municipal tax. It is calculated by person and day, and depends on the category of the establishment and age of the guests.
There was an error in your reservation process, please try again in a few minutes.
Processing your payment
Your payment is being processed, please wait a moment
Upgrade reservation
Modify reservation
ATTENTION: We inform you that if you make changes to your reservation we may not be able to guarantee your room selection. You will need to contact us to make that confirmation.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 102.6
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 102.6
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 108
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 108
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 131.11
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 131.11
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 138.01
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 138.01
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
Standard room with pool views, perfect for enjoying a stay in Santa Cristina de Aro. It features a comfortable double bed or 2 single beds, and a private bathroom with a bathtub.
Standard room with pool views, perfect for enjoying a stay in Santa Cristina de Aro. It features a comfortable double bed or 2 single beds, and a private bathroom with a bathtub.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 112.86
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 112.86
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 118.8
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 118.8
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 141.37
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 141.37
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 148.81
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 148.81
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 118.5
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 118.5
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 124.74
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 124.74
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 147.01
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 147.01
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 154.75
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 154.75
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
Designed to accommodate a maximum of 2 adults and 1 child. The room features a comfortable double bed or 2 single beds, an 80 cm sofa bed, and a furnished terrace with pool views.
Designed to accommodate a maximum of 2 adults and 1 child. The room features a comfortable double bed or 2 single beds, an 80 cm sofa bed, and a furnished terrace with pool views.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 118.5
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 118.5
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 124.74
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 124.74
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 147.01
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
This rate is non-refundable and does not allow modifications or cancellations.
The credit card provided will be used to charge 100% of the amount after booking.
If the card is not valid, you will have 1 hour to make the payment or the reservation will be automatically canceled..
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-03-14T00:00 at 00:00 will have a penalty of 147.01
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 154.75
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
You can modify or cancel your reservation without any charge up to 3 days before your arrival date.
The amount of the first night will be automatically charged 3 days before your arrival as a reservation guarantee.
In case of no-show, modification or cancellation after the deadline, the penalty will be the amount of the first night.
The credit card will be verified upon booking. If the card is not valid, you will have 48 hours to provide a new one. And 3 hours for arrivals in less than 48 hours. Otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
Cancellation penalty
Cancelling booking from 2025-04-14T00:05 at 00:05 will have a penalty of 154.75
Booking conditions
Prices include VAT. Tourist tax not included.
Reservations of 4 or more rooms may be subject to special conditions.
Requests for bed type, bathroom, views, or floor are subject to availability on the day of arrival.
The building, facilities, and rooms are not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Extras are subject to confirmation by the hotel. External extras may be subject to changes by the provider.
Bed and Breakfast: includes accommodation and breakfast.
Half Board: includes accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. The service on the day of arrival is dinner, and on the day of departure, breakfast.
Catering services are buffet-style and do not include drinks.
The first two people occupying a room are always considered adults, regardless of age.
Infants: children under 2 years are free when sleeping in a cot or sharing a bed with an adult.
Children: from 2 years up to 12 years old.
Adults: those over 12 years old are considered adults.
Free cots available for guests. Please check availability before arrival.
Pets are allowed, subject to an additional fee.
A maximum of one pet per room, up to a maximum of 30kg.
Pet kit subject to availability.
The establishment offers free parking. Limited spaces available.
Booking implies acceptance by the customer of all general and legal conditions.
Prices are calculated according to current tax regulations. In the event of changes to the tax regulations, the new rates will be applied, and the corresponding adjustments will be made to the taxable base.
The prices shown on the website are valid except in cases of typographical or software errors. Discounts are already applied to the price indicated in the reservation.
In case of any damage or loss caused by the guest to the hotel's property and belongings, the guest will be required to pay the amount according to the value established by the company. This amount will be charged to the card provided by the guest at the time of making the reservation.
The room is not available for the selected distributions
This two-room, suite has a maximum occupancy of 2 adults and 2 children. It is equipped with a double bed or 2 single beds, 2 sofa beds of 80 cm, a private bathroom with a bathtub, and a large terrace with pool views.
Renovated room to enjoy a pleasant stay in Santa Cristina de Aro. It features 2 single beds, a private bathroom with a bathtub, and a furnished terrace with pool views.